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GHAccelerator Questions

What kind of results can I expect from using the GHAccelerator?

Using X3 and GHAccelerator together will encourage your body to produce increased levels of human growth hormone, which helps in the repair and regeneration of damaged muscles and other tissues.

Conventional weightlifting can upregulate growth hormones by 400% leading to muscle growth. Studies show that self-stabilised resistance training like X3 spikes growth hormones by 1500%, and an incredible 1800% when performed while muscles are destabilised by standing on a vibration platform like the GHAccelerator. This is why X3 combined with GHAccelerator is so effective at building muscle mass.

Your body will also produce more serotonin, the hormone responsible for feelings of happiness and well-being, and less cortisol, the hormone responsible for feelings of stress and anxiety.

In other words, you will look and feel even better than before!

Who uses Whole Body Vibration?

Everyone from current X3 users to the typical fitness enthusiast uses Whole Body Vibration with the GHAccelerator.

In fact, we worked with VibePlate, the leader and most trusted name in Whole Body Vibration platforms, to create the GHAccelerator.

VibePlate products are used by professional athletes in the NFL, NBA, MLB, UFC, as well as the United States Military and numerous medical clinics.

Why is the X3 even more effective with the GHAccelerator?

We offer a high-quality vibrating platform that is manufactured in the USA, and we stand behind our product with a Lifetime Warranty for all customers. To do this, we’ve partnered with VibePlate, the leader and most trusted name in Whole Body Vibration platforms, to build the GHAccelerator.

If you look at other VibePlate products for a price comparison then you will see that our device is very reasonably priced and better optimised for your X3’s performance. We believe that our price point offers the most cost-effective solution to experience even more benefits while using X3.

Using X3 and GHAccelerator together will encourage your body to produce increased levels of human growth hormone. This helps in the repair and regeneration of damaged muscles, bones, and other tissues. Your body will also produce more serotonin and less cortisol, which makes you feel better with less feelings of stress and anxiety.

How much Whole Body Vibration do I need?

The GHAccelerator is specially made to always be running at 30hz, never above or below that metric. You don’t need to use a higher vibration; it will work against what you are trying to do. According to studies, the most optimal settings for muscle activation shows that 25-45hz are best. Most research supports that 30hz is ideal. Therefore, you can rely on our equipment to give you what is needed during your workout at all times.

What’s the science behind the GHAccelerator and Whole Body Vibration?

The GHAccelerator uses Whole Body Vibrations, which have been shown to naturally increase growth hormone levels in many studies [1], and has also been repeatedly linked to improvements in blood pressure related health metrics [2]. The most recent meta-analysis attempting to identify optimal settings for muscle activation shows that 25-45hz are best with the most research being at 30hz [3]. Research also suggests that using X3 and GHA together can further increase natural Growth Hormone levels in the body. Studies show about 1500% spikes in serum GH for heavy self-stabilized resistance training like X3, 1800% for whole body vibration alone, and 2800% when doing both [4].

Can I use other vibration platforms with the X3?

While you can use other vibration platforms with your X3, we wouldn’t recommend it. The GHAccelerator is built specifically to be used with the X3. The X3 ground plate fits perfectly on top of the platform of the GHAccelerator and the bands are secure at all times.

In addition, the GHAccelerator platform has body motion technology built into the device, meaning that if you step on the device then it automatically starts. If you step off, it automatically turns off. The machine is better built for your workout progress and will remain durable and reliable for years.

How loud is the GHA?

The GHA is moderately loud, so if you have neighbors that live below you, you may want to look into some vibration dampening pads.

Contact us for detailed designs of dampening pads that can effectively mask vibration disturbances.

What’s the warranty on the GHAccelerator?

The GHAccelerator is built to last due to its military grade material and attention to detail.

The device is 100% made in the USA, from Lincoln, Nebraska. Most other platforms are built by the same manufacturers in China, and don’t offer the same fitness benefits as the GHAccelerator does.

We strive to give you the highest quality vibrating platform on the market.

If your device malfunctions for any reason, you are eligible for a full exchange for 2 years from the date of supply.